Automation & BI

Automated identification of new potential customers

The challenge

A leading mass consumption company set as one of its goals for the year to increase the total number of customers for the HORECA and traditional channels. However, it did not have a formal customer acquisition structure or a tool to support the search for these customers. The main objective was to generate a tool for the identification of new customers for the company, mapping them according to their geographical location and prioritizing them according to different variables in an automated way. Also, to define and implement an acquisition system to maximize the success of the identified opportunities.

The development gained not only in automation and order, but also in quality and intelligence.

The strategy

The first phase focused on gathering external information through the automated extraction of commercial patents to identify all the businesses present in the country and filter those that corresponded to the target customers. With this information, a Power BI tool was developed that allowed georeferencing, segmenting by area, prioritizing according to the value of the area and assigning sectors to the recruiters to visit the clients. During the visit, a form was generated that allowed to complement the tool with the status of each customer and more details of their sales potential.

For the implementation of the tool, a new figure of a two-channel recruiter was created, which made it possible to take advantage of the visits to attract customers for both prioritized channels.

Automated patent extraction
Visualization tool
New role of two-channel collector

The achievements

The tool had extraordinary results in terms of both identification and capture:

Identification of more than 47,000 patents in the Metropolitan Region alone

Identification of 28,000 potential customers

120 new customers acquired in the first month of the pilot with a single dedicated taster